How to use Galaxy

This background wiki gives very brief guides on performing specific tasks in Galaxy. For much more extensive documentation including many videos, online tutorials and discussion forums please consult the galaxy wiki.

Create a new History

  1. Click the History Options menu (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Galaxy.
  2. Select Create new
  3. The new history will be called "Unnamed History". Click its title to rename it.

Rename a history item

  1. Locate the item in your history and click its pencil icon
  2. Enter a new name in the Name: field and click Save

Image of renaming a history item

Find someone's exact username

Click the User menu at the top of Galaxy. The menu that appears will show the currently logged in username

Screenshot showing how to view logged in user

Share a History

  1. Click the History Options menu (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Galaxy.
  2. Select Share or Publish Screenshot showing share or publish item
  3. Then select Share with another user and enter the user's full username

Import a History

  1. Click the History Options menu (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Galaxy.
  2. Select Histories Shared with Me Screenshot histories shared with me
  3. Select and view the desired history by clicking on its name Screenshot showing how to view a history

Copy Datasets

  1. Click the History Options menu (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Galaxy.
  2. Select Histories Shared with Me Screenshot copy datasets
  3. The screen that appears allows copying of specific datasets between any of your histories

Multi File Inputs

Tools that support running over multiple input files indicate this by showing a multi-file icon beside the relevant input. After clicking the multi-file icon the display should change to allow multiple inputs to be selected.

Screenshot for multi-file inputs

Saved Histories

To view a list of your saved histories click the History Options menu (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Galaxy and select Saved Histories Once the list of your histories appears you can switch to a history by clicking it. You can also use this view to delete histories or organise them by tags

Screenshot saved histories