layout: true class: inverse --- class: special, center ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo.png) # Ansible and Galaxy - Part 1 **Slides: @afgane, @nuwang, @Slugger70** .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- layout: true class: left, inverse --- class: left, middle, center ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) ## Please interrupt *We are here to answer questions!* .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Overview .large[ * What is Ansible * Galaxy and Ansible Later in Part 2 * Detail on Galaxy playbooks * Extending and customising Galaxy with Ansible ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Overview .large[ * **What is Ansible** * Galaxy and Ansible Later in Part 2 * Detail on Galaxy playbooks * Extending and customising Galaxy with Ansible ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) What is Ansible .large[ * Automation tool for configuring and managing computers. (c.f. Puppet, Chef etc.) * Initial release: Feb. 2012 * Multi-node software deployment, Ad-hoc task execution, Configuration management ] ![ansible-vanilla.png](images/ansible-vanilla.png) .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Why? .large[ * Avoid forgetting what you did to install and configure some piece of software * Codify knowledge about a system * Make process replicable * Make it programmable - “Infrastructure as Code” ] .right[![ansible-logo](images/ansible-logo.png)] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Features of Ansible .large[ * Easy to learn * Playbooks in YAML, Templates in Jinja2, Inventory in INI file * Sequential execution * Minimal requirements (**Agentless**) * No need for centralised management servers/daemons * Single command to install (pip install ansible) * Uses SSH to connect to target machine * Idempotent: * Executing N times no different to executing once. * Prevents side-effects from re-running scripts * Extensible: * Write your own modules ] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) But wait! There's more .large[ * Supports push or pull * Push by default but use cron job to make it pull * Rolling updates * Useful for continuous deployment/zero downtime deployment * Inventory management * Dynamic inventory from external data sources * Execute tasks against host patterns * Ansible Vault for encrypted data * Ad-hoc commands * When you just need to execute a one-off command against your inventory ] `ansible -i inventory_file -u ubuntu -m shell -a "reboot"` --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible structure .large[ * Ansible scripts are called playbooks * Scripts written as simple yaml files * Can be structured in a simple folder hierarchy * Many available modules * apt, git, command, shell, postgresql_db * file, lineinfile, get_url, curl, homebrew * cron, mount etc ] []( .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible playbook layout ``` text . ├── Variables │ └── vars ├── Inventory │ └── inventory.ini ├── Meta ├── Roles │ ├── Role_1 │ │ ├── files │ │ ├── tasks │ │ │ ├── task_1.yml │ │ │ └── task_2.yml │ │ └── templates │ ├── Role_2 │ ... ├── playbook.yml └── ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Yet Another Markup Language .large[ * But YAML is a structured language with a defined syntax (like JSON or XML) ] ``` this_is_a_variable: this_is_its_value dict: foo: bar spam: eggs list: - baz - 42 - true - yes ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible inventory * An ini file. * List of remote machines to run ansible on * Can have groups ``` [galaxyservers] [galaxydbservers] [pulsarservers] ansible_ssh_user=xcgalaxy ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible Variables .left-column-equal[ **Group Variables** e.g. Galaxy_servers.yml ``` galaxy_user: galaxy galaxy_server_dir: /srv/galaxy galaxy_config_dir: /srv/galaxy/config galaxy_env: TEMPDIR: /tmp LANG: en_AU.UTF-8 deploy_env: production ``` ] .right-column-equal[ **Host Variables** e.g. ``` server_codename: main_w1 galaxy_installer: true ``` ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible Tasks .large[ * Peform a task on the inventory ] * These two tasks do the same thing! * YAML-style: ``` - name: Install nginx apt: pkg: nginx-full status: latest when: "{{ ansible_os_family }} == 'Debian'" ``` * Argument-style: ``` - name: Install nginx apt: pkg=nginx-full status=latest when: "{{ ansible_os_family }} == 'Debian'" ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible Tasks .large[ * A more complex task: ] ``` - name: Install packages apt: pkg: "{{ item }}" with_items: - nginx-full - supervisord notify: - restart nginx - update supervisor when: "{{ ansible_os_family }} == 'Debian'" ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Ansible Handlers * Syntax is the same as tasks, but these are only run when triggered by a notify. * Task: ``` - name: Install pg_hba.conf template: src: pg_hba.conf.j2 dest: ”{{ postgresql_data_dir }}/pg_hba.conf” notify: restart postgresql ``` * Handler: ``` - name: restart postgresql service: name: ”postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }}” state: restarted ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Roles contain tasks ![ansible-roles-tasks.png](images/ansible-roles-tasks.png) .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Plays .large[ * Contain: * What hosts you want to run on * What roles you want to run * Optional extras: extra variables, remote user etc. ] ``` - name: Manage PostgreSQL users, groups, databases, and permissions hosts: galaxydbservers remote_user: root become: yes become_user: postgres vars_files: - "{{ deploy_env }}/secret_vars/galaxydbservers.yml" roles: - natefoo.postgresql_objects ``` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Plays and Tags * Plays can have tags associated with them ``` - name: Manage PostgreSQL users, groups, databases, and permissions hosts: galaxydbservers roles: - natefoo.postgresql_objects tags: database_setup - name: Manage supervisor and nginx hosts: galaxyservers roles: - galaxyprojectdotorg.nginx - supervisor tags: galaxy_setup ``` * These can then be run separately `ansible-playbook -i inv_file playbook.yml --tags galaxy_setup` .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) How Ansible works ![how-ansible-works.png](images/how-ansible-works.png) .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Exercise Time! .large[ In this exercise, we will: * Write an ansible script/role * Task will be to install tools into Galaxy * Will use existing scripts (bioblend) [Adding tools to Galaxy with Ansible]( ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Example role .large[ * Galaxy project's role to install a Galaxy server. * Can be used in a playbook * Has nice documentation! []( ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) What's available .large[ .left-column-equal[ * Roles: * galaxy-os * nginx * postgresql * postgresql_objects * galaxy * interactive-environments * trackster * pulsar * galaxy-tools * galaxy-extras ] .right-column-equal[ * Playbooks: * usegalaxy-playbook * infrastructure-playbook * galaxy-cloudman-playbook * ansible-artimed ] ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] --- class: left ## ![GATC Logo](../shared-images/gatc2017_logo_150.png) Exercise 2! .large[ In this exercise we will: * Look at how the Galaxy Ansible roles can be combined together to install Galaxy * We will work through the contents of the scripts. * Finally, as a demonstration, we will run the roles from a playbook. [Installing Galaxy with Ansible]( ] .footnote[\#usegalaxy \#GATC2017 / @galaxyproject] ---