layout: true class: inverse, middle, large --- class: special # Extending basic installation slides by @dblankenberg .footnote[\#usegalaxy / @galaxyproject] --- class: normal # Common `galaxy.ini` Tweaks --- class: normal # Configuring Internal HTTP Server In `galaxy.ini`: * `[server:main]` contains basic internal HTTP server configuration * `port = 8080` change to set the port binding. * `host =` change to IP of listening network interface, or `` for all network interfaces. * `use_threadpool = True` change to create a new thread per request. * `threadpool_workers = 10` set to number of threads in threadpool. * `threadpool_kill_thread_limit = 10800` time in seconds to wait before killing a thread. * Multiple `[server:XYZ]` * You can define additional e.g. `[server:web1]` sections. * Just be sure to change `port` and/or `host` values. * Can run them all with `GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 sh --daemon` * But using Supervisor and uWSGI is a better idea. --- class: normal # Configuring the Galaxy Application In `galaxy.ini`: * `[app:main]` contains application configuration * `filter-with = gzip` uncomment to enable internal gzip compression. * Uncomment `filter-with = proxy-prefix` and set `prefix` in `[server:]`if running Galaxy away from webserver root. * If running more than 1 Galaxy, set `cookie_path` to match `prefix`. * `database_connection` contains the SQLAlchemy connection string for database. --- class: normal # Securing your Object IDs In `galaxy.ini`: * User facing object IDs * Galaxy uses the Blowfish cipher to obscure integer IDs. * Prevents guessing the hashes for various Galaxy objects. * `id_secret` is used as the Blowfish key. * Changing `id_secret` is highly recommended. * Changing `id_secret` will change & invalid existing URLs (e.g. datasets, histories, workflows, etc). * Try changing the `id_secret`. What happens? --- class: normal # Customizing your "Brand" In `galaxy.ini`: * `brand` appends "/{brand}" to the "Galaxy" text in the masthead. * `logo_url` sets the URL linked by the "Galaxy/brand" text. * `wiki_url` sets the URL linked by the "Wiki" link in the "Help" menu. * `support_url` sets the URL linked by the "Support" link in the "Help" menu. * `citation_url` sets the URL linked by the "How to Cite Galaxy" link in the "Help" menu. * `search_url` sets the URL linked by the "Search" link in the "Help" menu. * `mailing_lists_url` sets the URL linked by the "Mailing Lists" link in the "Help" menu. * `screencasts_url` sets the URL linked by the "Videos" link in the "Help" menu. * `terms_url` sets the URL linked by the "Terms and Conditions". --- class: normal # Adding a Notice box In `galaxy.ini`: ``` message_box_visible = True message_box_content = Downtime scheduled Sunday at Noon to one. message_box_class = warning ``` --- class: normal # Update the welcome page Welcome page is `$GALAXY_ROOT/static/welcome.html` and is the first thing that users see. It is a good idea to extend it with things like: - Downtimes/Maintenance periods - New tools - Publications relating to your Galaxy No restarting is necessary. --- class: normal # Client Browser Security In `galaxy.ini`: * `sanitize_all_html` by default, Galaxy sanitizes all "text/html" tool outputs. Setting to False potentially exposes users to XSS attacks. * `sanitize_whitelist_file` manually override html sanitization for listed tools. Can set in admin interface. * `serve_xss_vulnerable_mimetypes` certain filetypes (e.g. SVG) can contain JS that is vulnerable to XSS and are served as "plain/text" by default. * `allowed_origin_hostnames` Returns Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header that matches the Origin header of the request. * `use_printdebug` anything "print"ed within a Galaxy Web thread is exposed to user. Set to False in production. * `use_interactive` Enabled by default. Enable live debugging in your browser. This should *never* be enabled on a public site. --- class: normal # Configuring FTP In `galaxy.ini`: * `ftp_upload_dir` directory containing subdirectories matching users' identifier (defaults to e-mail) * `ftp_upload_site` hostname of your FTP server provided to users in the help text. Must set to enable FTP import. * `ftp_upload_dir_identifier` user attribute for subdirectory naming. 'email' (${}) is default, but 'id' or 'username' are also common. * `ftp_upload_dir_template` Python string template used to determine a users FTP upload directory (${ftp_upload_dir}/${ftp_upload_dir_identifier}) * `ftp_upload_purge` delete files after FTP import (True) --- class: normal # Exercise * [Exercise - Configuring FTP]( --- class: normal # Configuring SMTP In `galaxy.ini`: * SMTP server * `smtp_server` host:port of SMTP server to use. Uses STARTTLS, but will fallback. * `smtp_username` username for SMTP server * `smtp_password` password for SMTP server. STARTTLS recommended on SMTP server. * `smtp_ssl` if SMTP server requires SSL from connection start, set to True. * Addresses * `error_email_to` address to send user error reports to. * `email_from` return address used in automatic user notifications. (
) * `mailing_join_addr` mailing list to subscribe users to during registration. --- class: normal # Exercise: Configuring SMTP for Bug Reports In `galaxy.ini`: * set `smtp_server = localhost:25` * set `error_email_to = you@email.tld` (use your email) * attempt to send a bug report --- class: normal # Configuring Data Library Path Uploads In `galaxy.ini`: * Admins Only * `library_import_dir` upload files from configured directory. * `allow_library_path_paste` set to True to allow admins to paste any path to upload. * Users * `user_library_import_dir` root directory containing sub-directories named by user emails. * Disabling compressed library archives downloads * `disable_library_comptypes` Can be 'zip', 'gz', and 'bz2' --- class: normal # Integrating Custom Biostars site In `galaxy.ini`: * `biostar_key` shared key with Biostar instance. * `biostar_key_name` Cookie parameter name for storing shared key. * `biostar_enable_bug_reports` (False) allow posting bug reports to Biostars (instead of just email) * `biostar_url` URL to Biostars instance (must share base URL with Galaxy, e.g. --- class: normal # galaxy.ini Explained Everything You Always Wanted to Know About `galaxy.ini`\* (\*But Were Afraid to Ask): * ---