layout: true class: inverse, middle, large --- class: special # First steps for a "production" Galaxy server slides by @natefoo .footnote[\#usegalaxy / @galaxyproject] --- # Production server * Used by multiple people * Designed to be resilient, scalable * Designed to be easily managed --- # Major initial decisions * Where to install Galaxy * Where to store Galaxy datasets * Database location --- # Where to install Galaxy * Must be at same path on cluster - more on this in cluster sessions * For this course, `/srv/galaxy/server` --- # Where to store Galaxy datasets * Must be at same path on cluster * Consider future scalability * For this course, `/srv/galaxy/data` --- # Best practices * Run as an **unprivileged user** * When possible, separate *code* from *data* and *configs* * Write protect code and configs --- # Exercise [Galaxy production first steps - Exercise](