layout: true class: inverse, middle, large --- class: special # Galactic Database slides by @martenson .footnote[\#usegalaxy / @galaxyproject] --- class: larger ## Please Interrupt! Your questions are bound to be answered. --- # Defaults * Galaxy uses database abstraction layer [SQLAlchemy]( This allows for different databases to be plugged in. * By default Galaxy will automatically create and use [SQLite]( database during first startup. * The database is in file `database/universe.sqlite` --- # Choices * SQLite * Useful for ad-hoc Galaxies or development. * **PostgreSQL** * The recommended standard for anything serious. * ~~MySQL~~ * Supported but Galaxy is not tested against it. --- # Configuration `database_connection` is specified as a connection string in `galaxy.ini` file. * Default SQLite: `sqlite:///./database/universe.sqlite?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE` * Local PostgreSQL (socket) `postgresql:///
?host=/var/run/postgresql` * Network PostgreSQL: `postgresql://
` --- # Tuning - pool If the server logs errors about not having enough database pool connections. * `database_engine_option_pool_size = 5` (10 on Main) * `database_engine_option_max_overflow = 10` (20 on Main) --- # Tuning - server cursor If large database query results are causing memory or response time issues in the Galaxy process leave it on server. * `database_engine_option_server_side_cursors = False` (True on Main, PostgreSQL only, recommended) --- # Tuning - install database Galaxy can track Tool Shed data in a separate DB. ```ini install_database_connection = sqlite:///./database/universe.sqlite?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE ``` This allows: * Bootstrapping fresh Galaxy instances with prebuilt/tested tool sets * Atomic installation/rollback (esp. w/ sqlite) ??? All other database config options but prefixed with `install_` are also available. --- # Migrations The changes in DB model are captured incrementally in the form of [atomic scripts]( Each script can both upgrade and downgrade a DB. ```shell $ bash upgrade $ bash downgrade --version=132 ``` --- # Access through model Provided script allows access to Galaxy's database layer **via the Galaxy models**. ```shell $ python -i scripts/ >>> new_user = User("") >>> new_user.set_password >>> sa_session.add(new_user) >>> sa_session.commit() >>> sa_session.query(User).all() ``` --- # Other Databases * Reports app is hooked to the Galaxy DB to present data in useful format. * Tool Shed app has its own database. --- # Exercise [Connecting Galaxy to PostgreSQL - Exercise](